Adjusted price of Sahas Urja Limited (SAHAS) is Rs.479.17 for 8% Bonus shares on previous closing price of Rs.517.50
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Adjusted price of Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Limited (SRLI) is Rs.472.63 for 18.3811% Bonus shares on previous closing price of Rs.559.50
Adjusted price of NMB50 is Rs.10.46 for 15% cash dividend on previous closing price of Rs.11.96
74,39,250 Units Bonus Share of Citizen Investment Trust (CIT) has been listed in NEPSE.
Adjusted price of CEDB Hydropower Development Company Limited (CHDC) is Rs.1829.73 for 11% Bonus shares on previous closing price of Rs.2031
Adjusted price of Oriental Hotels Limited (OHL) is Rs.980.95 for 5% Bonus shares on previous closing price of Rs.1030